5 Reasons Working For An International Organization Is Awesome!

1. It is an international culture, while English is the working language the corridors are filled with German, French, Italian, Arabic, and an array of other languages. At lunch I marvel at lunch how a lowly American girl came to be sitting at a table with a marvelous Greek woman, a German lawyer with an impeccable British accent, a flawless Lebanese scientist, and so many others from around the world. International companies are a cultural melting pot.

2. International organizations adhere to their own set of laws. I am fairly certain that employees at international organizations do not pay taxes and the property is an entity unto itself. Police have no jurisdiction on the property of the organization, so those noise complaints during the summer party -nothing anyone could do about it.

3. Oh yeah, summer party…International organizations know how to treat their employees. Added perks are part of any good companies philosophy, to maintain happy & hardworking employees.

4. There is actually money in international organizations. While many libraries/departments/etc face budget cuts during the recession – it does not seem to effect these types of places as severely. The organization is publicly funded by its 20 member states in order to conduct their research.

5. It promotes international diplomacy for scientist by having such a diverse range of nationalities working towards a common objective. What one country could produce is multiplied with many countries working together.

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